Sunday, June 16, 2013

About KV5

KV5 is the name given to the complex that houses the tombs of Ramses’s children. Dr. Kent Weeks, who holds a Ph.D from Yale University made this discovery.
The Tomb complex holds the tombs of 150 of Ramses children including his oldest son, Amenkherkhepshef. The name means Amun is in his right hand. This discovery led to the creation of the Theban Mapping Project, which is now being managed by Dr. Kent Weeks.
The Tomb Complex was found when Dr. Weeks was clearing rumble from Howard Carter’s excavation of King Tut’s Tomb.  The Project will map the entire Theban Necropolis.

KV5 is the largest tomb in the Valley of the Kings. It was discovered in 1825 by  Egyptologist James Burton.
Then it was lost.
It was rediscovered in 1995 by Egyptologist Dr. Kent Weeks.
KV5 is a subterranean rock cut tomb which was used by the 18th Dynasty but was usurped by Ramses II.
KV5 is the most dramatic find since Howard Carter discovered King Tut’s tomb in 1922.
In 1995, long corridors were discovered which led to many other rooms. It is estimated that there are 150 rooms in KV5. To date, 130 rooms have been discovered.
The artifacts which have been found in KV5 include a statue of Osiris, god of the afterlife.
After the discovery of KV5, Dr. Kent Weeks started the Theban Mapping Project which seeks to mapping the entire Valley.
Ramses II’s son Amun-her-khepshef, which means Amun is in his right hand is also buried in KV5.

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