Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Great Sphinx

Geologists now believe that the Great Sphinx may be 50,000 years old.  They reached this conclusion on the weathering at the base of the statue.
Some scientists believe that the Great Sphinx was originally a statue of the god Anubis. Anubis was the god of cemeteries and mummification.
The Great Sphinx was carved again during the reign of Khafre in his image.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Ancient Statues

In front of the temple at Abu Simbel, there are four 65 foot statues of Ramses II.
Christoper Dunn, an engineer and a machinist took photographs of a Ramses statue.
He placed the photographs in a computer graphics program. 
Mr. Dunn discovered that the left side of Ramses face is the exact mirror image of the right side of Ramses' face. According to mainstream archaeologists  the statues were carved using a mallet and a chisel.
Such precision is impossible with a mallet and a chisel.
The statue proves that the ancient Egyptians had access to advanced technologies.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


When I write my fiction, I like to base it on facts.
In 2000, oceanographer Paulina Zelitsky discovered a sunken city off the Cuban coast. Paulina and her team believe that this city is Atlantis. Her team also believe that this ancient sunken city is 14,000 years old.
In 2010, Dr. Zahi Hawass extracted DNA from the mummies in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. These mummies included the mummy of King Tut. The DNA was removed from teeth and the thigh bones of these mummies to avoid contamination. To avoid contaminating the ancient DNA from the 21 century DNA of the researchers, it was done under sterile conditions like an operating room. The researchers discovered that King Tut died from malaria tropica, the deadliest form of malaria. Malaria is caused by a parasite which is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes.
In my second book, The Underwater Pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle, Dr. Cliff Post and his friend, Marine archeologist Dr. Kyle Wilson discover an underwater city off the Cuban coast. Inside the pyramid, they discover an antimatter engine and mummies enclosed in glass coffins. Post and Wilson take the engine and mummies to Dade University. Once there they undergo DNA analysis and it is proven that the ancient inhabitants of Atlantis are the ancestors of the ancient Egyptians.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Electricity and the Ancient Egyptians

Mainstream archaeologists believe that mirrors were used to see inside of ancient Egypt's pyramids and temples. However, there are too many angles inside the temples and pyramids for this technique to have worked.
The question of how the insides of these structures were lit remains.
Inside of the pyramids and temples there are many paintings and carvings but not one speck of soot has ever been found.
Inside the Temple of Dendera, there is a drawing of a man holding a bulb which is attached by cable to a small box.
Proponents of the Ancient Aliens Theory assert that this drawing is a depiction of electricity being used inside the temple.
Any light source which was used to light these ancient structures would have been required to be both reliable and long lasting, because it would have taken many hours to produce the drawings and paintings inside these ancient structures which are intricate.
Mainstream archaeologists maintain that the drawing is of a man holding a lotus flower.
Is this ancient drawing a lotus flower or a depiction of electricity? You decide.

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Star Connection

Most archaeologists think that the Pyramids of Giza were tombs for Egyptian royalty. But what if they were wrong? 
What if the building of the pyramids as part of a master plan of an ancient Egyptian star religion. The three pyramids could have been built to point a way for a dead pharaoh to ascend to the heavens where he would become a star?
Rober Bauval postulates in his Orion Correlation Theory that the Belt Stars of the Orion constellation were aligned with the three pyramids of Giza in ancient times. After death, the dead pharaoh would ascend to the Belt Stars on his celestial boat. Upon arrival, he would become a star.
The Pyramid texts speak of the dead pharaoh returning to the stars. The Pyramid texts were ancient texts found within the Great Pyramid and other pyramids.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The End of the Old Kingdom

The End of the Old Kingdom

The history of ancient Egypt can be divided into three periods: the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom.
The Old Kingdom existed from 2649 B.C.-2150 B.C.
The capital of the Old Kingdom was Memphis and Saqqara was its necropolis.
The 5th Dynasty of the Old Kingdom was the era of the pyramid builders.
For many decades, the cause of the Old Kingdom’s end was shrouded in mystery.
Now, because of the discoveries of geologists, the cause is known.
A severe and widespread drought cause severe and widespread famine which ended the Old Kingdom.
Geologists performed core soil samples from deep within the earth. Theses core samples revealed the severe drought.
In a normal year, the Nile floods, which contributes to a good harvest. The drought was so severe that it even dried out Lake Moeris. The drought caused subsequent bad harvests.
Unas 2381-2345 was the last king of the 5th Dynasty.  There are depictions at Saqqara which show the effects of famine.
The drought was caused by climate change.

After Memphis was abandoned, the capital of the Middle Kingdom became Thebes, which is now Luxor, Egypt.
The necropolis of the Middle Kingdom was The Valley of the Kings. It was in this necropolis that the tomb of the famed King Tut was discovered.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Tomb of Egyptian Princess Found

The tomb of an ancient Egyptian princess has been discovered in bedrock south of the city of Cairo.
Archaeologists do not know why the tomb is near non-royal officials instead of at  Saqqara, where the royal family is buried.
The archaeologists found sections of a false door, which shows the name and the titles of the princess.
Her name was Sheretnebty. Her tomb is surrounded by several mastabas.
The research is being directed by Miroslav Barta. Barta is an Egyptologist who is from the Czech Institute of Egyptology which is part of the Charles University.
The discovery is important because the princess is part of the Fifth Dynasty. The Fifth Dynasty was the era in which the pyramid builders lived.
This is part of the Old Kingdom. During that part of Egyptian history, the capital was Memphis.
The necropolis of the Old Kingdom was Saqqara and is near the famed Step Pyramid.
This discovery opens a new chapter in the history of Abusir and Saqqara.